Binge Freedom is a 30-day guided, online program - starting March 1st, 2025 - for folks ready to be liberated from emotional, compulsive, and binge eating.

This is for conscious humans who care about their bodies and well-being, wondering why that “care” isn’t leading to peace with food.

This course is for you if you want to go from…

  • Feeling out-of-control, like an entirely different beast takes over the moment you start eating…to trusting your body and the untamable, wild soul living in it.

  • Starting over again and again after losing control…to getting off the roller coaster entirely and finding the richness you crave in your life. 

  • Uncontrollably losing yourself in food after your mom’s comment about your “life choices”…to a deep and rooted connection with yourself and your feelings.

  • Squirreling away in the bathroom, secretly shoving in more food…to laughing and connecting with your loved ones over food enjoyed without shame.

  • Out on a walk, distracted by thoughts of your next meal…to a deep presence that has shivers of delight at the sound of wind brushing through the trees.

How often have you sensed the spark of deep aliveness inside you, alongside the ache of feeling like it’s being smothered by shame and chocolate-coated-almonds?

How many evenings have you spent painfully full, and feeling like you can’t do anything creative or connective because your thoughts are consumed with how you’ll “start over?”

How many internet rabbit holes have you spent hours in, trying to find the psychological or spiritual reason for your food struggle?

You’re not the kind of human who’s just “on a diet” and “not able to stick with it.”

You’re a sensitive human with a sensitive body and maybe you have symptoms you’re trying to manage by using food as medicine.

You long to feel “normal” with food, but you’re a bit of a black sheep and don’t feel “normal” yourself.

You know that food is political, not everybody has access to what they need. You know you should be grateful…but you’re still consumed with eating the right thing, until you lose control and consume whatever isn’t on your plan.

You deserve to feel free in your body.

You deserve to feel at peace with food.


"Rande has helped me understand myself more than anyone. Before working with Rande, I was seeing countless therapists for anxiety and depression for years. I was even in eating disorder treatment with a dietician and therapist. None of them offered me the same amount of support, insight, and KINDNESS that Rande has offered me. All of them left me feeling more disconnected and that I couldn't trust myself. I can feel that Rande’s intention is to help me RISE and THRIVE high enough to not need her hand anymore. I trust her with my journey whole heartedly.Rande has helped me through every layer and season of my journey. And for that I am so grateful." - Alexandra S.

Imagine waking up and completely trusting that you won’t need to struggle with food today.

Can you see the version of yourself that can eat a meal, and then move on to live their “wild and precious life?” (thank you, Mary Oliver, for that unforgettable line)

The version of you with a clear voice, not getting quieted with food or daydreamed away in fantasies about fixing yourself?

I know what it’s like to daydream my days away, spinning fantastical scenarios about having a different body and finally transforming into my most magical, serene, heart-centered self.

I also know what it’s like to drive to multiple grocery stores and restaurants in a day so that nobody would see how much I’d actually eaten.

I've been there. I was there for much of my life.

I went to therapy trying to fix myself, read endlessly about
mindful eating, overeating, and binge eating, did special meditations to help me “feel my feelings instead of eating them”...and still felt like I was going to be the last person on earth to figure this out. 

This program is everything I discovered that actually lead to freedom.

Hi, I'm Rande.

I'm an Eating Psychology Coach and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. I also run Free Spirit Academy. To me, a “free spirit” is you feeling safe to be you - and often that means unearthing trauma from family, culture, religion, capitalism, and education systems and beyond.

I understand how stress, trauma, and misunderstanding can disconnect us from ourselves. Coming from a background of early and religious trauma, eating disorders, chronic illness/symptoms, dissociation and self-harm, I've had a long- time obsession with freedom and healing.

I'm a queer and neurodivergent lady, and I live with my wife in the Pacific Northwest.

I'm also your guide on this journey.


"It is hard for me to account for all of the eye-opening transformation that Rande Moss has brought to my life since she welcomed me into her course. I enrolled with a level of desperation and skepticism but also a sense of openness. I felt ready to question–truly question–all the beliefs around food, dieting and body image that have been programed into me throughout my life. Rande’s enthusiasm, support and availability have been remarkable. I feel like I have had my hand held throughout this journey which has brought about significant shifts in healing my dysfunctional approach toward food and body image. I have moved from a place of obsessive dysfunction to discovering a level of comfort with my body and food I did not think I could ever achieve. By placing my complete trust in her, she has shown me that I have all the tools and knowledge I have needed, allowing me to truly trust myself. I wholeheartedly recommend coaching experiences with Rande…they really have been my path to freedom with food and more importantly the bigger picture to life!

- Jessica S

Binge Freedom is a 30-day course starting March 1st, 2025, filled with audios, workbooks with journaling prompts, and guided practices. 

This version of Binge Freedom is LIVE. That means that each day you receive your new content - you can hit “reply” on that email and ask me any questions you have. You’ll also have the option of connecting with me on WhatsApp so we can share texts and voice notes as you go through the process.

I’m yours for the 30 days of this journey.

What's Inside Binge Freedom?

Module 1: Freedom is Not About Willpower.

Module 2: Letting Go of Control is Not Being OUT of Control.

Module 3: It's Not About the Food...Except When It's About the Food.

Module 4: What "Feeling Your Feelings" ACTUALLY Means, and How to Do It.

Module 5: Learning the "Secret Language" of the Body.

Module 6: You Can Do Better Than "Happily Ever After."

Each module comes with guided somatic practices and workbooks with journaling prompts to support where you're at in the process.

You also have access to me via email, text, and voice note for each of the 30 days. 

This course is closed for enrollment.


What happens after I enroll?

Once you enroll, you'll get access to the Binge Freedom portal here on Teachable. Starting March 1st, new content will be uploaded daily, and you'll be notified via email when it's live. The course runs through March 30th.

Will this course always be available?

Yes! Once all of the content is out, it will be yours to keep and download if you'd like,

What kind of live support is there?

From March 1st to March 30th, I'll be available to you by email or WhatsApp text and voice note. You'll get all the hand-holding, coaching, and question-answering you need to feel closely supported.

Can I just work 1:1 with you?

Absolutely! My 4-session coaching package goes from $400 to $200 when you're enrolled in Binge Freedom (provided there's space, email me at [email protected] if you'd like to talk about this option)

What is the refund policy?

Because there is live support and all of the material is downloadable, refunds won't be available for this course.

What do I need to do / be / have before I join?

I recommend having a journal ready!