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Coming Home to Your Body
Coming Home to Your Body: Feel Free in Your Body and As Yourself
Day 1: Why We Don't Feel At Home in Our Bodies (LISTEN) (31:59)
Day 2: How our Bodies Connect and Protect (JOURNAL)
Day 3: Orienting to Safety (PRACTICE) (7:42)
Day 4: Exploring our Protective Responses (JOURNAL)
Day 5: Easing Into the Body (PRACTICE) (3:19)
Day 6: What is Trauma? (LISTEN) (19:56)
Day 7: Identifying your Trauma (JOURNAL)
Day 8: Returning to Safety (PRACTICE) (5:04)
Day 9: Coming Home to Your Joints (PRACTICE) (9:19)
Day 10: Coming Home to Your Healthy Impulse (PRACTICE) (8:37)
Day 11: How to Work with Painful Coping Patterns (LISTEN) (16:11)
Day 12: Painful Coping Patterns and the Wounded Inner Child (JOURNAL)
Day 13: Coming Home to Nourishment (PRACTICE) (9:49)
Day 14: Coming Home to Your Inhale (PRACTICE) (9:26)
Day 15: Coming Home to your Exhale (PRACTICE) (8:23)
Day 16: Fully Body Awareness (PRACTICE) (7:41)
Day 17: What 'Feeling Your Feelings' REALLY Means (LISTEN) (11:56)
Day 18: Getting to Know Your Fear (LISTEN) (11:49)
Day 19: Safety in Fear/Anxiety (PRACTICE A)
Day 20: Safety in Fear/Anxiety (PRACTICE B)
Day 21: Getting to Know Your Sadness (LISTEN) (11:04)
Day 22: 9-Minute Breath Practice for Sad Days (PRACTICE) (9:04)
Day 23: Getting to Know Your Anger (LISTEN) (12:19)
Day 24: From Suppressed Rage to Healthy Aggression (PRACTICE A)
Day 25: Kundalini Meditation for Processing Anger (PRACTICE B) (9:26)
Day 26: How to Feel When What You Feel is "Nothing."
Day 27: How to Listen to Your Body (LISTEN) (16:11)
Day 28: Partnering with Your Body as a Guide (JOURNAL)
Day 29: The Embodied Journaling Practice (PRACTICE) (4:41)
Day 30: Moving Forward in Partnership with the Body (LISTEN) (15:49)
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Day 20: Safety in Fear/Anxiety (PRACTICE B)
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